Welsh 3000s 2022 Success!

A gruelling 19 hours 44 minutes and 21 seconds after starting the challenge on Crib Goch's summit at 12.28am Matt completed the Welsh 3000s in the wind, rain, poor visibility and cold at 8.12pm on Foel-Fras's trig point.

The 15 peaks were separated into 3 phases and alongside hiking partner Jack Roberts, the boys had all the trials and tribulations you can imagine before finally finishing exhausted and wind burnt. 

Phase 1 saw Matt and Jack cross the summits of Crib Goch before heading to Garnedd Ugain and then Wales' highest peak Yr Wyddfa (snowdon). This was a nice short phase in comparison to the Glyderau and Carneddau which were to come!

Phase 2 saw the boys take on Elidir Fawr, Y Garn, Glyder Fach, Glyder Fawr and then Tryfan, getting lost due to poor visibility, horrible conditions and more. Phase 3 was on the Carneddau and the summits of Pen Yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Daffyd, Carnedd Llewellyn, Foel Grach, Carnedd Gwenllian and finally onto the summit of Foel-Fras to finish!

It was a tough day with Matt's Garmin clocking up 43.3km of distance (just over a marathon), 4,162m of vertical ascent and 7,909 calories burned!