

Crib Goch & Snowdon - April 2022

When I hear word "a leader", what first comes to my mind is integrity, self- confidence and passion for what you do. Matt has it all! Plus charisma, which is a bonus. It was my first try climbing Crib Goch, well, my first trip to mountains at all. I was excited, I was scared, I was thrilled. So, with zero experience lead by Matt I headed up to Crib Goch and I enjoyed every single minute of that. With Matt I found it really easy and relaxing. He pushed me to the maximum, encouraged me and most importantly - believed in me. His guiding and navigating was brilliant. Following him was easy and I felt safe at the same time. He was aware of every part of Crib Goch and let me know of any upcoming hazards or difficult parts. Weather wasn't really in our favour as it was windy and it was icy at some places, which he made me aware of. After all, we summited Grib Goch successfully without any scratch on my body. I was very proud of myself and even more proud of my Leader. It wasn't only a climb - Matt made sure to give me some short breaks to admire the view, take pictures and get to feel that rewarding moment for the efforts you made. He love mountains and that passion speaks for itself. Because when you believe in your leader, you believe in yourself! And his passion for what he does is really inspiring.

Sean Hershaw

Crib Goch & Snowdon - August 2022

Matt & I had previously discussed heading up to the Snowdon summit via Crib Goch & Garnedd Ugain but aligning our free time had been difficult. We managed to settle on a Friday in August with predicted clear weather and discussed the route on the journey there.

I hadn’t previously conquered Crib Goch so Matt spent some time detailing what to expect and before we’d parked up I was already assured by his confidence and his assessment of my capabilities. The weather was some of the best I’d experienced up Snowdon this year for the start, and upon leaving the Pyg track for the initial scramble towards Crib Goch, Matt spent some time coaching me on improved scrambling techniques. My confidence grew as the altitude increased!

By the time we were ready to start traversing the ridge I understood what was to come would be difficult, but Matt had got me comfortable and assured in my abilities, we had a moment to discuss going back once we started along the ridge was not in our interest, and with one deep breath we started.

Across the ridge line the weather was kind. Matt slowed the pace down and kept great verbal communications throughout, guiding and assuring me. We maintained a close proximity to one another, and I never felt left behind. As we finished the main ridge traversal, the clouds above gave way to some light rain for an hour. Nothing unexpected for those who have been to Snowdon before, but Matt found a comfortable spot out of the wind for us to reconvene and discuss the impact the change in weather would have. Not deterred in the slightest and confident in Matts assessment, we reduced our pace but carried on chipping away at the route up and over Garnedd Ugain.

The next big event prior to Garnedd Ugain, was navigating the pinnacle. Not a small order for someone who has only scratched the surface on grade 1 scrambles, but Matt called out his every movement and detailed his approach to the scramble which only served to bolster my trust in his skills.

Beyond we hit the summit of Garnedd Ugain, and continued up to the summit of Snowdon. We then took a leisurely stroll back down Pyg Trail onto the miners path. These are routes myself & Matt had hit plenty of times individually and together so it allowed for a nice kick back and relax stage.

Jake Lansdown

Snowdon (via Pyg Track) - October 2022

Matt is very knowledgable, Enthusiastic and a great leader. he brings the mountains to life with his stories and he exudes passion for mountaineering.

I thoroughly enjoyed our climb of snowdon, the itinerary was all planned out and kept us in the loop with the safest routes at all times.

If you are experienced, or a novice and want to challenge yourself, matt is your man to guide you!

Naomi Hattam

Lake District - April 2022

Matt struck the correct balance of professional and fun on our Lake District trip. Pitching our walks to the physical capabilities of the whole group, whilst also pushing us, 'just enough' to provide everyone with a sense of achievement. A fantastic mountain leader.

Matt was also great in dealing with knee issues within the group and acted with sensitivity when I froze with fear on an icy rock - gently talking me through 'backing up' and taking an alternative route.

Wouldn't hesitate to venture out with Matt into the wilderness again. Thank you!